3 Ways to Stop Wasting Time to Reach Your Goals
Photo by Vinicius "amnx" Amano on Unsplash
Get out of your own head and make some moves.
We’ve all heard the saying, “time is money,” and yet we still waste so much of it. Sure, we all need time to decompress at the end of a long, cumbersome day, but where do you draw the line between decompressing and wasting valuable time?
If you’re like me, your day job is unfortunately not the most fulfilling thing in the world (which I am beginning to realize is a HUGE red flag). By the end of your shift, the last thing you want to do is sit in front of your computer to network, write, pitch, design, or whatever your side hustle may demand. However, how are you going to make your dreams come true without putting in the work?
Nothing in life that is worth a damn comes easy.
The last time you felt accomplished, did it just fall in your lap? The answer is likely no. You had to pull up your sleeves and get a little dirty.
We must really try and harness those feelings of accomplishment to push towards our next goals.
Here are 3 ways to get out of your own way to reach those goals you’ve been putting off.
Photo by Rachel on Unsplash
1. Use your support system
Unfortunately, we don't have a manager in our day to day lives to help guide us through the steps of attaining personal success. BUT - you may not realize you have a heck of a support system right under your nose! Your true friends and family want nothing more than for you to succeed. Be open to their help and encouragement!
If you’re like me, you may have the misconception that asking for help is a sign of weakness. On the contrary. Though it may feel vulnerable, the person who is helping is willing and happy to do so, otherwise they wouldn’t waste their time! You have to get out of your head and be willing to reach out to others for assistance when you get stuck.
Helping others provides a boost of endorphins. Same goes for the person helping you! So be vulnerable. Ask for help. You likely have a wide range of personalities with varying experiences just sitting untapped amongst your circle. Have a friend who owns their own business? Ask them how they got there. Have a cousin who knows about the industry you’re trying to get into? Ask them for a quick chat about what to focus on.
The worst thing anyone can say is “no.”
And that’s probably the last thing someone you care about would say. Chances are they’d be happy to help provide you with some guidance!
Photo by Malvestida Magazine on Unsplash
2. Carve out some time
We are all guilty of falling down the rabbit hole of social media or getting sucked into a show. If you’ve seen The Social Dilemma on Netflix, you’re already aware of how the system is stacked against us.
Being aware of these distractions is a big key in combatting them.
As stated before, it's fine to decompress after a long day by indulging in TV or social media, but we just need to be aware of how much time we are allotting ourselves to do so. Try setting a calendar reminder to work on your hustle a few times a week, or however many times you think is realistic. Don't over schedule yourself to start, as you will be more unlikely to follow through with it.
Not into scheduling reminders? Well don’t bury your remote or phone just yet. Set a timer and limit yourself to just 1 show or 30 min of scrolling. Once it goes off, jump into your project and knock out a task - no matter how small.
Doing something towards your goal is better than nothing.
Photo by K.marie Photography
3. Hit the pavement
Taking a walk may seem like Procrastination’s slick cousin but hear me out. The benefits of a brisk walk have been thrown in your face time and time again for good reason! It breaks up your day, get’s your creative juices flowing, and doesn’t hurt your waistline. The advantages of incorporating a walk (or two) into your daily routine are just overwhelming!
If you’re feeling particularly paralyzed when you’re meant to be working on your project, take a quick walk.
It’ll get your blood going and clear your mind. When you get back, focus on a small task to get the momentum going. Before you know it, you’ve laid some bricks! Soon you’ll have laid your foundation and be well on your way to attaining those goals that seemed so far out of reach before.
One step at a time. One brick at a time.
What about you? Do you set any limits for yourself to help you stay on track? Let me know in the comments below!