What is Imposter Syndrome & How to Overcome it
Tips for battling this tenacious beast.
Photo by Braydon Anderson on Unsplash
Ah…the inevitable imposter syndrome. Surely you have heard this term if you have ever taken that brave step outside of your comfort zone to pursue one of your dreams. When we finally get the courage to press forward and move into unfamiliar territory, our defense system awakens.
That pesky, doubtful, menace of a voice that sits on the opposite shoulder of confidence & courage steps up to the podium. It spews self-doubt and worry into our easily manipulated minds.
Why we give that annoying voice any ounce of our attention is beyond me.
It seems an innate curse we all suffer from as humans. From an early age we’re told to, “follow your dreams,” or, “do something every day that scares you,” and countless other inspiring notions we tend to hear, but not listen to. Our intentions are pure, yet that imposter syndrome is always there to puff its gaudy chest when given the opportunity.
Imposter Syndrome – Anxiety or self-doubt that results from persistently undervaluing one’s competence and active role in achieving success, while falsely attributing one's accomplishments to luck or other external forces.
One thing to keep in mind when this beast rears its ugly head: without a doubt, EVERYONE has experienced Imposter Syndrome at some point in their lives. Even the top dogs of major, successful companies. I can also guarantee that it won’t be the last.
Comforting thoughts, eh?
My pointing out that everyone is in the same boat is clearly not a solution, but sometimes it helps to know that you are not alone. It’s human nature to feel connected to each other through similar experiences, whether they’re joyful or not.
I’ve adopted the following solution to this reoccurring phenomenon.
Photo by Michelle Cassar on Unsplash
Fake it till you make it.
I know, I know. If clichés had a hall of fame, this one would be hanging in the main hall.
Also, if you’re anything like me, you may flinch at the word fake, but hear me out.
Sure, this particular advice shouldn’t be applied to things like being a doctor or an astronaut, but when applied in the general sense, it can be quite empowering.
When anyone first starts their business, they have to exude confidence in themselves and their product/service, otherwise no one will give them a chance. When speaking to your clients, your mindset and tone should reflect that of a veteran in the field. Being professional, friendly and helpful to your prospects automatically paints you as a successful player in the game.
If you have put time and effort into learning something, you already know more than someone who hasn’t.
Say you’ve taken some courses about coaching small businesses, or perhaps you’ve accrued some clever cleaning or life hacks throughout the years. If you have a desire to teach others about what you’ve learned or even start your own business, fake it till you make it! You’ve already got the basics down; you just need to project confidence and don’t sell yourself short.
Tell that stupid voice to shut the hell up and step aside. You got this. Focus on hitting your goals to drown out the doubt. Put faith in what you know and don’t look back.
What are some ways you fight off imposter syndrome? Drop some knowledge in the comments below.