email copy

Business: Bootcamp for UX career

Project: Email sequence

Overview: Write copy for a welcome email sequence to boost sign ups.

  • First email provides lead magnet, thanks them for opting in, and offers video that builds credibility.

  • Second brings more value and educates prospects about the credibility of the company. Provided 2 subject line options for A/B testing.

  • Third provides more value and building rapport. Another CTA to watch a video that provides more guidance and that builds more trust.

  • Fourth gives the prospect options on the course of action they can take, but highlights who would qualify for their program. CTA asks prospect to inquire more through a consultation.

  • Final reminds prospect of limited availability, and final CTA to reach out to secure their consult. Provided scarcity and another video for social proof to showcase effectiveness of program.

Email One: word count: 451

From: Michael from Beginex

Subject Line: Name - Your Beginex program guide has arrived

Snippet: Find out how the Beginex UX Career Accelerator Program will help you succeed.

Hey there!

I’m excited you’ve taken the initiative to kick-start your UX journey. I’m sure your future self is proud of the progress you’re making towards paving your UX career path.

As promised, here is the Program Guide for the Beginex UX Career Accelerator Program.

If you answer yes to any of these questions, this guide will give you the guidance you crave:

👉 Are you looking to transition into UX during these unprecedented times?

👉 Do you want to save time and money by avoiding unnecessary tangents?

Even though the demand for user experience professionals is quite high, it can be tough to break in.

The amount of UX bootcamps and courses can get overwhelming – and quick. I feel you.

That’s why I created this program. To help people like you make smarter choices by cutting through all the noise and by laying out a clear roadmap to navigate the UX career path.

If you want to position yourself as an attractive UX candidate, the way you train and gain experience will have a major impact on your success.

What you’ll get from this guide:

-      Overview of the program

-      Program timeline

-      Past client project examples

-      All the benefits you get from the program

-      Graduate success stories

-      FAQ

Once you review the guide, you’ll have a better understanding of all the perks this comprehensive program offers.

Pivoting careers is not an easy or light decision, so we held a panel featuring real UX practitioners from Johnson & Johnson, Verisk and Strategic Financial Solutions. They discuss their UX journey, how to overcome key roadblocks, and how to effectively transition into a UX role.

This video is stuffed with value and will shed some unfiltered light on what to expect in a career in UX.


Hearing from people who have walked in your shiny new shoes before is a great way to gain some welcome clarity.

Here’s what to expect:

- Meet UX practitioners and other aspiring UX/product designers

- Learn how people from different backgrounds made their UX career transitions

- Find out what skills you really need to land the job and what employers actually look for

- Identify potential roadblocks you may face while transitioning into UX, and how to combat them

- Find out how to position yourself as an attractive candidate

- Learn how to find your first UX job, effective search strategies, and how to prepare for interviews


I look forward to helping you reach your UX career goals. If you have any questions about the video, or the guide, feel free to reply to this email and I’d be happy to answer any of your questions.


Beginex Team


Email 2: word count 484

From: Michael from Beginex

Subject Line:       A. How to be irresistible to employers and land your 1st UX job

                                B. How to land your 1st UX job and be irresistible to employers

Snippet: Find out how to land your dream UX job by getting the inside scoop on how to become highly hirable

Hey there, {name},

Breaking into the UX industry can be a long, expensive, and arduous process – but it doesn’t have to be!

When it comes to landing your first UX role, it’s important to keep the end in mind. If you approach your UX journey with the end in mind, you’ll save yourself a whole lot of time and money – and endure less stress.

We put in a lot of leg work to get to the bottom of what employers are actually looking for when they’re looking to fill their next UX position.

Here’s how Beginex got the inside scoop:

  • We interviewed and analyzed hundreds of candidates who made the transition

  • We spoke with over 40 employers.

  • We attended more than 60 events and spoke directly with hiring managers to uncover the truth on what exactly they look for in their candidates.

The extensive research paid off. The accelerator alumni have been hired by many top companies like Google, Coach, SiriusXM, JP Morgan, Facebook, Johnson & Johnson and many others.

Check out this video to get the full picture of how people like you made the transition to land their first UX job – and see what it takes to get noticed by your next employer.

It’s full of actionable insights that are key to making your transition smooth and simple.

📣 Ditch the stress of figuring out how to get hired by finding out how to effectively market yourself.

📣 Kick the fear of rejection to the curb by getting all your ducks in a row before you start your job hunt.

You’ll learn:

  1. How you market yourself and transition into the UX field – without spending a fortune or quitting your job

  2. How to identify major roadblocks and how to avoid them – saving you months / years of time

  3. How people from all different backgrounds have made their transition to a UX career

  4. What skills and competencies you really need to land the job (hint: You’ll need hard and soft skills)

  5. How to build the skills and work experience most employers want (hint: Have 3+ sizable UX case studies)

  6. How to gain an edge and become more hirable in this competitive industry (hint: Make sure your portfolio shows your process)

  7. Which job search strategies are most effective

  8. What the UX hiring process is like and how to prepare for interviews (hint: Study hiring process before search kick off)


This video will help you learn from others' mistakes and potentially save you months (or even years) of trial and error. Not to mention thousands of dollars. Now that’s what I’m talkin’ about.


Beginex Team

P.S. If you do NOT know UX basics yet, no worries. We now have an effective way for you to learn for FREE in a hands-on format through a comprehensive portfolio project. Please request a free consultation to learn more.


Email 3: word count 451

From: Michael from Beginex

Subject Line:      A. How to learn UX basics without wasting time or money

                             B. Easiest and fastest ways to learn the UX basics

Snippet: Everything you need to know about learning the UX basics to get your career transition started on the right foot.

Hey there, {name},

When you’re wading through the sea of information about how to break into the UX industry, it’s easy to veer off course.

Trying to nail down all the basics, figure out which bootcamp is worth your time, or which book to devour next can get overwhelming. And confusing.

People spend months (or even years) trying to learn the basics without a clear roadmap. They hemorrhage money on trying to learn the basics when in reality, it doesn’t have to cost a small fortune!

🚫 The last thing you want to do is waste precious time or money on a course that falls flat or a program that doesn’t deliver.

No worries. We got you.

This video will help you avoid the most common pitfalls people encounter when trying to learn the UX basics. It provides super helpful tips and proven methods on how to learn UX foundations efficiently – without spending an arm and a leg.

👉 Get the low down from UX professionals from Dell, Corteva and SimpleCitzen about how they successfully made the transition and how they overcame key roadblocks.

👉 Find out how to learn UX in the most efficient way, saving you tons of time and money.

👉 Discover the most important thing to learn first and the best options/platforms that are worth your valuable time. Then find out what other skills you actually need to become a UX designer.


If you’re still hungry for more insight on how you should devote your energy towards your UX goals, Beginex also offers a free way to learn the basics.

If you would like to learn more, then you can either apply or request a consultation to go over our pre-admission process, which was designed for those still learning the fundamentals.

Since pre-admission helps us plan cohorts better and results in cost savings, we pass those savings on to you with up to $300 tuition credit for any basics courses you complete.

Here is how pre-admission works:

  • You apply here and then receive an assignment.

  • After you submit that, we will let you know if you are pre-admitted.

  • If accepted, you will be able to secure a spot for a future cohort in advance.

  • If not, we will let you know where and how you can improve. You can easily re-apply later on.

I’m here to help in any way I can to get you going on your UX journey to make your transition as smooth as possible.

The video should give you tons of ideas on how to learn the UX basics without breaking the bank, and requesting a consultation can also give you the clarity you need to move forward.


Beginex Team


Email 4: word count: 541

From: Michael from Beginex

Subject Line:      A. Find out which bootcamp fits you best

                             B. The best bootcamp for your learning style and budget

Snippet: Not all UX bootcamps are created equal. Find the one that fits you best.

Hey there, {name},

If you’re in the process of transitioning into UX , you’ve likely considered joining a bootcamp or taking a course to tighten up those UX skills.

I love nerding out as much as the next guy, but before falling down a bootcamp rabbit hole, let me help you out. This article explains how to choose a bootcamp that suits you best. Everyone’s situation is unique, so it helps narrow down which option will make the most sense for you.

You don’t want to sign up for a bootcamp that starts at square one if you’re already at square 3 – and vise-versa.

Who is Beginex UX Career Accelerator best for? 

  • Do you already know the UX basics – or at least open to learning them independently (and FREE)? If you already know the basics, you’re in good shape. If you feel like you’re not quite there yet, no worries. There are loads of free/cheap resources available to help you out. Beginex now also offers an effective way for you to learn that for FREE - in a hands-on format, while getting a comprehensive portfolio project. Please request a consultation (or apply) to learn more.

  • Do you want to make a career transition in the most efficient/affordable way? Do you have a lot of commitments or need your day job to survive? Just because you want to change careers doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice your paycheck or all of your time.

  • Are you motivated & committed? If you’re not afraid to work hard to attain your goals, then you’re golden. It takes some time and effort to see progress, but if you want something bad enough, you know that dedication is key.

  • Are you a team player? In the real world, you’re going to have to collaborate with a team and handle client relations – so you have to know how to play nice with others.

  • Do you come from a design, research, creative, tech or related background? Having a related background is a nice bonus. But even if you don’t, it’s still possible to be successful – it just may take a little more time.

If you answered “yes” to most of the above questions, then the Beginex Accelerator program is the best option for you. Need more clarity? Please request a free UX career transition consultation to help you:

  • Learn about UX career transition best practices and pitfalls

  • Navigate your own career transition

  • Get answers about career change and the program

  • Decide if you’re a good fit for the program

Learning is fun, but being taught something you already know is a waste of your precious time.

I hope this framework for selecting the best UX bootcamp for you saves you lots of time, helps avoid stress, and helps you along your UX journey. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out!

Your friends in learning,

Beginex team

P.S.  Check out this interview with Kirstie, a Beginex Accelerator alumna who ditched her paralegal job to pursue a more fulfilling career in UX. She needed a flexible option that allowed her to build her portfolio with real clients, versus the other bootcamps she shopped that only used mock projects – which wasn’t the quality or experience she was after.


Email 5: word count: 279

Re-engage & Drive to Consultation CTA
Remind, qualify them, inject more scarcity & offer consult

CTA: consult

PS interview with alum

From: Michael from Beginex

Subject Line:      A. There is still time to take your UX journey to the next level.

                             B. Now is the time to find out if you’re ready for change.

Snippet: Find out if you’re ready to make the jump to an exciting UX career.

Hi, {name},

We wanted to circle back with you on the invitation we sent to schedule your UX career consultation. We haven’t heard back from you and wanted to follow up.

If you are…

→ Motivated

→ Committed

→ Know the UX basics (or can learn those independently with some guidance)

→ Trying to find the most effective, efficient and affordable way of breaking into the UX field without quitting your current job (or other commitments you may have)

 …then you should definitely go ahead and request your free, no-commitment UX career transition consultation now.

This consultation is not just some 15-min pitch on how great our program is, etc. The session is designed to help you learn about the UX career transition best practices, potential pitfalls, and how to make this career switch happen as seamlessly as possible.

It is all about providing you the clarity you need to make a very important decision about the next steps to take regarding your career.

We only run up to 20 free, no-commitment career transition consultation sessions per month - and those spots are filling up. If you’re ready to learn about the best practices for a smooth UX career transition and how to avoid the common pitfalls – then you should grab a spot today.

Click here to schedule your UX Career Consultation to ask questions and get honest answers.


Beginex Team

P.S.  Check out this interview with Sasha, a Beginex UX Career Accelerator alumna who ended up with not one, but TWO offers in the UX world. Learning how to market herself was instrumental in her success, which was a major benefit she gained by joining the program.

Business: Rx Program

Project: Email sequence

Overview: Write copy for a welcome email sequence.

  • First email super simple - thanking them for opting in with main CTA.

  • Second focused on resolving pain points and educating prospects about the company. Provided 2 subject line options for A/B testing.

  • Third provides social proof by weaving in testimonials.

  • Final focused on last CTA, recapping all the benefits their program offers.


landing page


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