7 Ways to Cope with Election Anxiety
Beat the crippling effects of anxiety with positive energy.
Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash
It doesn’t matter what side of the line you stand on or whether you wobble down the middle. Those are not amber waves of grain brushing your face, those are murky waves of anxiety. Yuck.
It’s that horrible feeling that bunches up your gut, wraps around your chest and climbs to your throat. For me it comes and goes, for others it is more prevalent. Regardless, whenever it hits it doesn’t feel good.
On top of this tense election there’s a pandemic cramping all our lifestyles. No wonder we’re all stressed out! But let’s not build on negativity. That would be coddling the “pain body” as one of my favorite authors, Eckhart Tolle would say in his book The Power of Now. Instead, let’s try to refocus our minds on things that will enrich our lives instead of feeding it poison.
Here are 7 ways to cope with the election anxiety consuming your life right now.
Photo by Gaspar Uhas on Unsplash
1) Turn off the news!
This is the easiest step of them all and will likely yield the fastest relief.
The more you have the news on, even in the background, the more you’re exposed to opinions that don’t serve you. It only throws more fuel on your already raw emotional state, which doesn’t do anyone any good. So just turn it off.
Photo by Ayla Verschueren on Unsplash
2) While you’re at it, take a break from social media too. Your pet wants some love.
We live in a society where we are not only hypnotized by our televisions and computers, but also by those nifty distraction-devices we carry on our person at every moment, even to the bathroom (gross). Our phones and social media are engineered to claim all of our attention for the profit of advertisers and has the power to hijack our relationships.
Why give it that power? Why waste any of your precious time scrolling? Why get amped up by some opinion of your once friend, now acquaintance? Move along and don’t bite their bait. Be smarter than a fish.
Step away from the computer, set the phone down, and go pet your cat or dog.
Photo by Dustin Belt on Unsplash
3) Phone a friend!
No, not text. Visitation rights are somewhat restricted at the current time, so make an extra effort to connect with the people you love with a traditional phone call. Whether you’re and introvert or an extrovert or somewhere in between, use that distraction-device for what it was originally intended for. Call your friends and family!
I used to avoid calling my support chain in fear I would inevitably interrupt them. But don’t worry about that. Call. If they can answer, they will. If they can’t, they won’t. They’ll see a missed call from their buddy and will call you back once they have the time!
Sometimes it helps to vent your frustrations to someone you know can relate. Even if you opt to avoid the subject of the election, phoning a friend to just shoot the shit can relieve some anxiety and strengthen your relationships.
Photo by Mollie Sivaram on Unsplash
4) Did someone say Netflix n’ Chill?
Here’s your hall pass to turn on the TV. But remember, no news! An easy way to burn off some excess anxiety can be to indulge in one of your favorite comfort shows or movies and laugh the pain away.
I don’t recommend resorting to this every day, but a couple times a week after an especially stressful day can be alright. Try not to binge though! You still have other adulting things to tend to.
Photo by Ben White on Unsplash
5) Read a book or learn something new.
This has been my go-to for handling election and work-related stress. Whether you cuddle up on the couch with a fun fiction story to visit alternate realities or dive into books that tickle your inner nerd, either will pull you out of the bell jar.
Refocusing one’s priorities and harnessing precious time and energy into something that will lift your spirits is the name of the game. Read that book that’s sitting on your nightstand. Pick up that guitar. Aprender un idioma diferente.
When you take on a new craft or hobby, not only will your brain and creativity thank you, but you’ll open doors to new possibilities and even friendships!
Photo by Delphine Ducaruge on Unsplash
6) Move.
We all know the benefits of exercising, but sometimes that word makes us recoil and do anything but. Instead I will advise to just get up and move. Do any activity that brings you joy that will either stimulate your creativity or set your body in motion.
Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action.
— Walter Anderson
If you live by the ocean, go surf or walk along the beach. If you live in the burbs, visit a park and feed some ducks. If you live in the city, take a stroll around town and smile at strangers. If there’s a lake or river nearby, rent a canoe or kayak and drift through nature. If you’re currently faced with another lockdown, dance it out in your living room!
When we move and wake up our bodies, we burn anxiety at the stake.
Photo by JESHOOTS.COM on Unsplash
7) Clean.
Piggybacking on the move notion, tidying up is a sure-fire way to clear your head. Your home will feel less chaotic when things are in order. This is crucial to unlock your creativity and feel at peace.
When your home is in disarray (which easily happens with our busy lifestyles) it only adds to your anxiety. Taking some time to put those dishes away or running the vacuum will sneak in some exercise and leave you with a clean, Zen space.
I promise you nothing is as chaotic as it seems. Nothing is worth your health. Nothing is worth poisoning yourself into stress, anxiety, and fear.
— Steve Maraboli
• • •
We are all in this together. Be there for one another, but to also take time to practice some self-care. Have faith that there is more good than evil in this world, and that kindness will always win.
Sending only good vibes to all of those under stress these days. What are some ways you combat anxiety in these crazy times? Leave your tips in the comments below!